多 纳


新东方在线 > 多纳 > 正文


2014-06-20 11:12:45 来源:新东方在线
摘要:新东方在线多纳(Koolearn Donut,以下称"我们")隐私权保护声明保护用户个人隐私的承诺。鉴于移动产品和网站的特性,多纳将无可避免地与您产生直接或间接的互动关系,故特此说明我们对用户个人信息所采取的收集、使用和保护政策。


  新东方在线多纳(Koolearn Donut,以下称"我们")隐私权保护声明保护用户个人隐私的承诺。鉴于移动产品和网站的特性,多纳将无可避免地与您产生直接或间接的互动关系,故特此说明我们对用户个人信息所采取的收集、使用和保护政策,请您务必仔细阅读:










  •地理位置 - 只是一般的位置可能会被收集。没有精确的地理位置信息。





  四、 联系我们


  Private Policy

  Donut apps (“we”) respect the privacy of its users (“User” or “You”) and are committed to protect the User’s information, be it yours or your child’s. We believe that You have a right to know our practices regarding the information we may collect and use when You use our mobile applications. Please read it carefully.

  Non Personal Information

  When you download and use our mobile applications, we don't require you to provide any information and we don't collect any personal information, except for non-personal information like unique device identifiers, cookies (small files installed by your browser) to anonymously identify your computer or device so we can deliver a better experience.

  We do not knowingly contact or collect personal information from children under 13. If you believe we have inadvertently collected such information, please contact us so we can remove the information.

  Non Personal Information collected by Third Parties may include the following technical information:

  · >Type of operation system (e.g. Android, iOS, etc.)

  · >Type of browser (e.g. Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.)

  · >Screen resolution (e.g. 800×600, 1024×768, etc.)

  · >Language (e.g. English)

  · >Device Vendor (e.g. Galaxy, HTC, iPhone, etc.)

  · >Geo-location – only general location may be collected. No street name or city/town name is collected.

  Links to Third Party Sites

  We may provide links and/or connections to third-party web sites or services from our apps, (We set a ‘parental gate’ which will help to protect your children’s safety. Without parental permission, your children will not be access to links to external mechanisms for purchases.). We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these third-party sites.

  Changes to this Privacy Policy

  Donut reserves the right, at its full and complete discretion to change, modify, amend, add, subtract, portions of its Privacy Policy at any time. We will post any updates to the Privacy Policy on this page. Please periodically check for any changes.

  Contact Us

  If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policies, please contact us: donut@koolearn-inc.com


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