



2019-04-23 11:37:17来源:网络


This picture showsa critical moment that can occur inany soccer game—a players is about to kick the ball

while the keeper is fully ready for theattack. Interestingly, the player and the keeper are experiencing quite

opposite psychological processes: the player thinks the task is extremely difficult as the goal is quite small

compared with the huge keeper, while the latter fears that the goal is too enormous for him to protect.

It is conspicuously indicatedthat in order to gain confidence and achieve success, we not only need to

attain a thorough understanding of our own merits and disadvantages of ourselves, but also those aspects of our

opponents. Both the player and the keeper merely focus on their own faults and their counterparts

advantages, leading to their hesitationat the key time.

In a recent interview of hurdler Liu Xiang,he revealed that his success is partly owed to his training team’s

study of his strong competitors around the world, so that he can learn from the others and is more confident

when facing any new race. Just as the ancient Chinese philosophical bookThe Art of Warconcludes,if you

know yourself andyour enemy, you’ll never lose a battle.


Thecartoon illustrates two football players confronting each other before a penalty kick. The kicker is getting ready to

shoot on goal while the goalkeeper is about to defend the shot. At the critical moment, interestingly, both of them have lost

heart. The attacker who exaggerates the power of his opponentfeels anxious about his inability to shoot in. The defender

minimizes himself, making it impossible for him tokeep good guard.

Themessage conveyed in the picture seems to be that people tend tounderestimate their abilities and magnify their

difficulties when confronted withchallenges. The reason is thatthey are preoccupied with negative thoughts, which will

damage their self belief, confidence and achievements. However, a strong positive attitude can lead tosuccess and even

create miracles.

Numerousexamples can demonstrate the power of a positive attitude.For instance, there is a fierce competition

among high-school graduates inChinato passthe National College Entrance Exam. It is not uncommon to find students with

positive thinking often excel in the examfinally. Another case inpoint is Deng Yaping, the internationally famous athlete.

She is very short, but becomes a legend in world table-tennis field. Her perseverance and strong will enable her to win not only

18 major world championsbut alsorespectsfrom all overthe world.


大作文范文一:(XDF讲义汪江涛 08冲刺)--------十大经典必背范文之三

As is vividlydepicted in the photos above, Beckham,the handsome British football superstar, is enjoying a

striking popularityamongyoung people. In the first photo, Beckham’s name appears on a young man’s face.

The captionindicates thatworship forthe idol is written on the face. In the second photo, this young man is

doing Beckham’s chic hairstyle in a barbershop. We are informed that he is spending 300 Yuan imitating his

idol’s hairstyle.

Undoubtedly, the photos have subtly reflected the social phenomenon that idol worship is prevalentamong

the youth nowadays. Beckham represents theimage of sport hero whose handsome appearance and

unparalleled football skills are passionately adored by all the sports fans. Likewise,several teenage girls won

their fame overnight in The 2005 Super GirlContest inChina,which provoked nationwide noisy debates on the

value and harm of admiring these idols. Generally speaking, young people are inclined to adore the people

who excel inappearance, intelligence or talent.

Hence, idol worship, the thought-provoking social phenomenon, is a double-edged sword which can exert

profound influenceon the growth of young people. If wesimply worship the idols by imitatingtheir hairstyles

or pursuing fashions unreasonably, the obsession will certainly waste us a great deal ofmoney or time,

endangering the efficiency ofour work. On the contrary, we will lead a positive and fruitful life if we

endeavor to improve ourselves by bridging the gap between our models and us. Accordingly, the latter attitude

should be adopted to direct our way of life. (255 )

大作文范文二:(新东方 100)

The two pictures illustratevividly the popularity of the famous British soccer star DavidBeckham. In theleft picture a

man paintedBeckham’s name on his face to show his support for Beckham, while in the right another is willing to spend three

hundred Yuan to have a hairstyle that is exactly the same as Beckham’s.

From thetwo pictures we can sensea crazy tendency of idol worship in today’sChina. Star fans, the majority of whom

are teenagers andyoung adults, are used to blindly following every aspect of celebrities’ behavior, accepting both positive and

negative influences as universal truths.Aside from Beckham, another telling example is the nation-wide “Super-Girl

competitions” held in past two years inChina. Theywere so successful in drawing fans’ attention and emotions that the ups

and downsofthe “super girls” had almost constituted thewhole lives of their freneticfollowers.

Admittedly,it is natural that those cool and fashionable stars seem attractive to the youth. Nevertheless, it is the

responsibility of our government and society to guide youngpeople inbuilding a wholesome outlook towards the world and

life. In my opinion, what’s most important is to have them adore worthyvalues and qualities, such as honesty, diligence, and


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