
2020-07-08 17:13:35来源:网络









  I.Listening Comprehension


  Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten shortconversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a questionwill be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will bespoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, readthe four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the bestanswer to the question you have heard.

  1. W: Good afternoon.Take a seat, please.

  M: Thank you. I want tohave my hair cut and dyed black today.

  Question: Where does theconversation most probably take place to?

  2. W: Excuse me, whereis the dining hall on the first floor of the dormitory building?

  M: But I'm afraid it'sclosed now. Anyway, the coffee shop next to the library is still open.

  Question: which place does the man imply thewoman should go to?

  3. W: Did you see my passport? I can't find itanywhere in my handbag.

  M: I remember you usedit yesterday to pay for those shoes with your credit card.

  Question: What is thewoman looking for?

  4. W: That's the best lecture.I've really enjoyed it.

  M: But you fell asleepright after it started.

  Question: What can welearn from the conversation?

  5. W: Shall we goshopping or take some snacks?

  M: Whatever you decideis cool with me.

  Question: What does theman mean?

  6. M: Look! Page after page of advertisements.It's a waste of time reading them.

  W: Well, there are somethat may cheat people into buying products. Many are quite informative.

  Question: What is thewoman's opinion of advertisements?

  7. W: Hi, Wang. Welcomeback. How is your training program in Shanghai?

  M: It was fruitful, althoughI didn't have much time to walk around as expected.

  Question: How does theman feel about his training program?

  8. W: Would you like to come round for dinner onmy birthday? It's next Saturday, the 18th.

  M: But for the school charitysale on that very day, I would come.

  Question: What does theman mean?

  9. W: You kept coughingall night. Didn't you take the pills?

  M: No, I didn't. Icouldn't see the point.

  Question: what does theman imply?

  10. W: You were on the phone for an hour.

  M: It was my mom. Rarelydo we run out of conversation.

  Question: What can welearn about the man?


  Directions: In SectionB, you will hear two passages and a longer conversation, and you will be askedseveral questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passagesand the conversation will be read twice, but the question will be spoken onlyonce. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paperand decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

  Questions 11 through 13are based on the following passage.

  Every year in the U.S. about 133million pounds of food goes to waste. A lot of it is fruits and vegetables,like three legged carrots, and fought strawberries. They are deserted simplybecause they are not pretty enough to bed is played on store shelves. If youlook at the big picture, about a third of the planet's food goes to waste forthe same reason.

  That's enough to feed 2 billion people.Now, a company called Imperfect Me is trying to change that situation. Thecompany collects ugly fruits and vegetables from farmers and markets and sellsthem to local residents at a deep discount. It can be 30 to 50% of the regularprice. Similar campaigns are underway in places like Boston, as well asPortugal and the UK.

  For now, most chain supermarketsdon't carry ugly fruits and vegetables. But Steve Clark's of Imperfect Me hopesthe supermarkets will come around because customers want such food. He says itis really easy to convince people when they realize they can pay a lower priceto get the same kind of taste and health.

  Now listen again.


  11. According to thepassage, for what reason is a third of the world’s food deserted?

  12. What can be learnedabout the company Imperfect Me from the passage?

  13. What is the passagemainly about?

  Questions14 through 16 are based on the following passage

  A city in England has started anambitious plan to plant as many as 1 million trees every year for the nextdecade. The project is called the City of Trees. Project director Tony Brownexplained that the green venture has three main aims. He said, One is to planta tree for every man, woman, and child over the next decade. Next, we are verymuch focused on bringing existing woodland into management because it doesn'tmake any sense to plant new wood land if you can't manage what you've gotalready.

  Finally, we want to engage people alot more in their natural environment that is implanting trees in managingareas. And in understanding more about the benefits that trees and wood landsbring to our society, Mr. Brown further outlined the reasons for the recentlylaunched environmental project. Hesaid our city wants to be a world class region. We have a lot of fantasticeconomic development going on, but the natural environment needs to keep upwith that.

  He believes the project willreconnect people with trees and the natural world, provide benefits to healthand reduce stress. He said “woodlands can do great things in terms of airpollution reduction and can help to protect against noise pollution. They canalso help cities and towns reduce the urban heat island effect and flooding”.


  14. According to thepassage, how many tress will be planted in all in the next decades?

  15. According to thepassage, which of the following is the main goal of the project?

  16. According to theTony Brown, which of the following is a reason to launch the project?

  Nowlisten again.

  Questions17 through 20 are based on the following passage

  At a campus policestation.

  W: How can I help you?

  M: I think my car has beenstolen.

  W: Can you give me the details?

  M: It's a red minivan.

  W: When and where did youlast see it?

  M: This morning I left itin front of NO. 1 classroom building.

  W: Let me check. It appearsyour van was in the staff only parking zone.

  M: I'm sorry. I was a bitlate for my class. I had to find a place so I could get to my classroom quickly.

  W: But since you shouldn'thave left your car there, it was moved away.

  M: Then how do I get my car back?

  W: Well. Go to thecampus traffic office. That's opposite the administration building, and on theleft side of the stadium, please bring your student card along.

  M: I will. Do I have to paya fine?

  W: I'm sorry to say yes.There's a parking fine. And before taking your car, you also have to pay for thestorage fee.

  M: OK. How much willthat be?

  W: The storage fee is $5per day. So you'd better pick up your car today if possible. The fine is 50. Butif you pay within three days, the fine is reduced to 20. I see.

  M: Thanks.

  Now listen again.


  17. What happened to theman's car?

  18. What can be learned aboutthe staff only parking zone?

  19. To get back his car,where should the man go?

  20. How much should theman pay altogether if he picks up his car this afternoon?

  That's the end of listeningcomprehension.












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