第一,保护事业的发展情况。我国十分重视生态保护,坚持科学的发展观,将野生动植物和湿地保护纳入了全面协调可持续发展的战略,作为实施以生态建设为 主的林业发展战略的六大重点工程之一来抓,取得了明显的成效。一是颁布了《野生动物保护法》、《野生植物保护条例》等法律法规,成立了各级管理机构,形成 了法律法规行政管理和执法监管体系,需要有专业知识水平较高的新生力量注入从而提高保护监管力度,为此专业的毕业生提供就业机会。
第二,虽然保护事业取得了很大成就,但是也确有一些物种濒危,急需抢救性保护。所以,国家要大力发展人工培育,实现利用向以人工培育资源为主的历史性 转变,加强保护管理、资源调查、监测科技支撑、宣传教育和信息网络等信息建设,提高保护的管理水平,此专业的学生少,所以只要在学习期间努力扎实自己的专 业知识毕业后定能有个不错的工作。
One of your students, Liu Ming, wants to study for the master’s degree under the supervision of Professor Smith in an oversea university, you are asked to write a letter of recommendation for him in about 100 words.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not need to write the address.(10 points)
Dear Prof. Smith,
Having learned that your university are recruiting oversea graduates for your postgraduate program. I am writing this letter to recommend one of my best friends, Liu Ming, as a potential candidate under your supervision.
Liu Ming graduated from Peking University majoring in chemistry and he has a profound understanding of what he learned from all courses. Besides, he has worked as my assistant and displayed excellent academic capacity. In addition, his English is also proficient with IELTS overall score of 7.5. I believe with his diligence, intelligence and great passion, Liu Ming has great potential in his future academic pursuits.
Therefore, I recommend him to you without any hesitation. I am ready to provide any further information upon your response. I would be most grateful if you would consider him as your student.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming