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Ielts Reading 2-month Study Plan

During the preparation for the IELTS reading test, many Chinese test-takers encounter a series of problems: why can't I get a high score even though I have done so many practice questions? Why can't I remember all the words I have memorized? Why do I have to read the sentence several times to understand its meaning even though I know the words? The exam is approaching, how should I effectively review?

If we set a two-month study period, how should we review each day to achieve the target score?

In the first month, we need to familiarize ourselves with various question types and practice them according to their types. Start with the easiest questions and gradually build a solid foundation before moving on to matching questions. At the beginning, our focus should be on ensuring accuracy and mastering the skills of locating and identifying synonyms. Don't worry about time because once our accuracy improves and our vocabulary increases, time won't be a problem.

In the middle stage, in addition to getting the correct answers, we should also think from a different perspective about what knowledge points a question is testing and gradually summarize the key points of the questions. By the later stage, we will be familiar with the way questions are asked and have developed a fixed approach to solving them, enabling us to find the answers quickly.

Here, it is important to avoid looking at the correct answers and then checking the original text to see why when dealing with incorrect answers. This approach is not only a waste of time but also ineffective. We must redo the incorrect questions. Redo them the next day and think about the reasons for the initial mistakes until we can find the correct answers ourselves and clearly understand the problems with our thought process.

In the second month, we can start practicing with full-length tests. Try to complete a test within 55 minutes, preferably in the morning, to adapt to the exam time. After finishing the test, mark the incorrect questions and start organizing the unfamiliar words that affect our performance (skip the ones we can guess the meaning of and focus on the ones that cause errors or make it difficult to understand the sentences). Also, identify the complex sentences in the passages. Learn to analyze sentence structures and grasp the main ideas, and practice skimming.

After organizing these two parts, redo the incorrect questions (we don't redo them immediately because we just checked the answers and might remember them). Differentiate between careless mistakes (caused by being sloppy) and ability-related mistakes (caused by vocabulary or sentence structure), estimate the gap between our current score and the target score, and review accordingly.

Therefore, during the two months before the exam, we must make full use of our time. Don't blindly do practice questions. Step by step, build a solid foundation, analyze our mistakes, organize unfamiliar words, and familiarize ourselves with the structure of complex sentences. Only when our thought process is correct, can our accuracy improve, and we can achieve good results with less effort.



1. 快速阅读


2. 划重点


3. 精读


4. 学习方法


5. 模拟练习





1. 词汇量


2. 阅读量

多阅读是提高阅读能力的关键。可以选择时效性较强的国外报刊杂志中的文章进行泛读,比如经济学家the economist, 卫报guardian, 新闻周刊Newsweek, 自然nature, 大众科学popular science等。

3. 阅读技巧



How to Prepare for IELTS Reading? How to Efficiently Review for IELTS?

IELTS Reading is a challenging section for many test takers. Here are some tips on how to effectively review and improve your reading score.

1. Vocabulary

IELTS Reading requires a strong vocabulary. Test takers should aim to learn over 7000 English words to achieve a score of 6 or above. It is recommended to use a systematic approach, such as repeating and gradually increasing the number of words memorized each day. Regularly review previously learned vocabulary as well.

2. Reading Practice

Practice makes perfect. Test takers should read extensively to fundamentally improve their reading ability. Choose articles from reputable foreign newspapers and magazines with current topics, such as The Economist, The Guardian, Newsweek, Nature, and Popular Science.

3. Reading Strategies

There are eight different question types in IELTS Reading, each requiring a different approach. Test takers need to understand the examiner's mindset and rules to effectively solve each question type. If you have limited time for review, focus on strengthening your question-solving skills and analysis. If you have more time, work on expanding your vocabulary and improving your reading ability.

These are some tips on how to review for IELTS Reading. If you feel that your progress is slow or you are struggling to find effective methods, consider enrolling in an online course or training program to learn from others' experiences. After completing the course, it is recommended to take the test within 1-2 months to avoid forgetting the knowledge.

