雅思   >   学习攻略   >   雅思口语part1新题:数学是什么?


2024-09-20 18:03:54
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Math is an important subject that helps us develop problem-solving skills, analytical thinking, and reasoning abilities. It allows us to think critically about the world around us.

Learning mathematics can be challenging for some people. However, with proper guidance and practice, anyone can become proficient in math. It requires a combination of understanding concepts, applying formulas, and solving problems. It's important to have a strong foundation in basic math skills before moving on to more advanced topics.

When it comes to gender differences in math, there is no evidence to suggest that one gender is inherently better at math than the other. Both boys and girls have the potential to excel in mathematics. It ultimately comes down to individual interest, dedication, and effort. Stereotypes and societal expectations should not limit anyone's ability to pursue and succeed in math.

In today's digital age, calculators have become a common tool for mathematical calculations. While calculators can be helpful in performing complex calculations quickly and accurately, it's essential to have a solid understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts. Relying too heavily on calculators can hinder the development of mental math skills and problem-solving abilities. It's important to strike a balance between using calculators as a tool and developing strong mathematical skills.

Overall, learning math requires patience, practice, and perseverance. It is a subject that can be challenging but also rewarding. By developing a strong foundation and continuously practicing, anyone can become proficient in math and reap the benefits of improved problem-solving and analytical thinking abilities.


Math is an essential subject that helps us develop problem-solving skills, analytical thinking, and reasoning abilities. It allows us to think critically about the world around us.

Learning mathematics can be challenging for some individuals. Nevertheless, with proper guidance and practice, anyone can become proficient in math. It requires a combination of understanding concepts, applying formulas, and solving problems. It's crucial to have a strong foundation in basic math skills before moving on to more advanced topics.

When it comes to gender differences in math, there is no evidence to suggest that one gender is inherently better at math than the other. Both boys and girls have the potential to excel in mathematics. It ultimately comes down to individual interest, dedication, and effort. Stereotypes and societal expectations should not limit anyone's ability to pursue and succeed in math.

In today's digital age, calculators have become a common tool for mathematical calculations. While calculators can be helpful in performing complex calculations quickly and accurately, it's essential to have a solid understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts. Relying too heavily on calculators can hinder the development of mental math skills and problem-solving abilities. It's important to strike a balance between using calculators as a tool and developing strong mathematical skills.

Overall, learning math requires patience, practice, and perseverance. It is a subject that can be challenging but also rewarding. By developing a strong foundation and continuously practicing, anyone can become proficient in math and reap the benefits of improved problem-solving and analytical thinking abilities.




  • 与考官进行交流-这样你可以更好地融入对话中。
  • 仔细听问题,以便回答相关。
  • 使用一些细节来回答问题,让答案更加充实。
  • 在第二部分的长对话中练习说2分钟。
  • 利用第二部分的准备时间来思考卡片上的内容。
  • 使用第二部分卡片上的指导和提示来组织你的长对话。
  • 在第三部分中练习延迟回答问题,给自己思考的时间。
  • 解释你的观点并举例支持。


  • 不要死记硬背答案。
  • 除非考官在第二部分的2分钟结束时打断你,否则不要给出非常简短的答案。此时,考官需要进入考试的第三部分,并且只需要简短回答问题。
  • 不要在第二部分谈论与卡片上内容不相关的事情。
  • 不要担心如果考官要求你暂停,在这种情况下,你已经说得差不多了,考官需要保持考试的节奏。
  • 如果想不起一个单词,不要担心,尝试用其他的表达方式。
  • 不要在任务卡上写字。
  • 如果意识到自己犯了一个错误,不要担心。纠正自己是可以的。如果无法纠正,忘掉它并继续。
  • 不要问考官你说的是否正确。


3最新雅思口语Part2话题答案:a TV series or drama you enjoy watching

最新雅思口语Part2话题答案:我喜欢看的电视剧或戏剧是《13个原因》。我第一次开始看这部剧是在上个月,之前听到很多积极的评论。这部剧根据畅销书改编,讲述了克莱·詹森(Clay Jensen)的故事,他发现了一盒由他的同学汉娜·贝克(Hannah Baker)录制的卡带,而汉娜悲剧性地自杀了。在这些卡带上,汉娜解释了她决定结束生命的十三个原因。




A TV series or drama you enjoy watching

I enjoy watching the TV series "13 Reasons Why". It is a thought-provoking show that addresses important social issues such as bullying, depression, and suicide. The story revolves around Clay Jensen, a teenager who discovers a box of cassette tapes recorded by his classmate Hannah Baker, who tragically took her own life. On these tapes, Hannah explains the thirteen reasons why she made this decision.

What I particularly like about this TV series is how it portrays the characters in a realistic way, showing their flaws and struggles. This reminds me that everyone has their own battles and that we should try to be more empathetic towards others. The acting in the show is also outstanding, with the actors delivering powerful performances that really bring the story to life.

"13 Reasons Why" has made me think a lot about the impact of our actions on others and the importance of being kind and understanding. It serves as a reminder to always reach out for help when needed and to talk about our problems instead of keeping them to ourselves.

Overall, I highly recommend "13 Reasons Why" to anyone who enjoys thought-provoking dramas. It is a show that tackles important issues and encourages empathy and understanding.

