雅思   >   学习攻略   >   父母对于孩子的影响力有多大?


2024-09-23 16:38:20
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Being strict with children is a topic that often sparks debate. While some argue that strict parenting can have negative effects on a child's development, I believe that parents should be strict with their children. Strict rules and discipline are necessary for children to learn important values such as perseverance, hard work, and fair play. When parents set boundaries and enforce them consistently, it helps children develop a sense of responsibility and self-discipline. It also teaches them the consequences of their actions and helps them understand the difference between right and wrong. Ultimately, being strict with children can help shape them into responsible and well-rounded individuals.

When it comes to the most valuable thing parents can give to their children, love and guidance top the list. Parents have the power to shape their children's lives and provide them with a strong foundation for success. By showing unconditional love and support, parents can instill confidence and self-esteem in their children. They can also teach them important values and life skills, such as empathy, respect, and resilience. Additionally, parents can provide their children with opportunities for growth and development, whether it be through education, extracurricular activities, or travel experiences. Overall, the love and guidance of parents are invaluable gifts that can positively impact their children's lives.

2雅思口语最新Part2话题答案--Describe a piece of news

Today, I would like to share with you a piece of news that I came across last summer. It was both interesting and inspiring, and it left a lasting impression on me.

The news was about a group of young men from a rural area in my hometown who were determined to change their lives for the better. They were not satisfied with their living conditions and decided to seek better employment opportunities in a big city. However, they soon realized that they lacked the necessary skills to secure well-paying jobs.

Undeterred by this setback, these young men made a bold decision. They enrolled in a vocational school to study electrical welding. They knew that acquiring this skill would open up new doors for them and improve their chances of finding stable employment.

After completing their studies, these young men took a leap of faith and decided to go to Australia through a labor service export program. They were determined to make a better life for themselves and were willing to work hard to achieve their goals.

Upon arriving in Australia, these young men faced numerous challenges. They had to adapt to a new culture and language, and they had to prove themselves in a foreign workplace. However, their determination and hard work paid off. They impressed their employers with their skills and work ethic, and they were eventually granted Australian Permanent Residency.

With their newfound stability, these young men were able to afford their own houses and even send money back to their families in China. Their success story quickly gained popularity, and many people became interested in studying at the vocational school they attended.

I found this news incredibly interesting and inspiring. It is a testament to the power of hard work and perseverance. These young men came from humble backgrounds and managed to completely transform their lives through their own efforts. Their story serves as an inspiration to all of us, reminding us that with determination and dedication, we can overcome any obstacles and achieve our goals.

So this is the piece of news that I wanted to share with you. It not only caught my attention but also left me feeling inspired and motivated. It serves as a reminder that no matter where we come from or what challenges we face, we have the power to create a better future for ourselves through hard work and determination.

3最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: an occasion that you have a cake that is special

Speaking of a special occasion when I had a cake, it was during my graduation party last year. The cake was a three-tiered chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting. It was beautifully decorated with edible flowers and gold sprinkles.

I ate the cake on the day of my graduation ceremony. After the ceremony, my family and friends gathered at my house to celebrate this milestone. We had a big feast, and the cake was the centerpiece of the dessert table.

My parents and close friends were with me when I had the cake. They were all so proud of me for graduating, and we wanted to commemorate this special day with something sweet and delicious. We cut the cake together and shared it among ourselves.

I think the cake is special because it symbolizes the end of a chapter in my life and the beginning of a new one. Graduating from university was a significant achievement for me, and the cake was a way to celebrate and mark this important milestone. It was not just a cake; it was a symbol of hard work, dedication, and success. Every bite of that cake was filled with joy, pride, and excitement for the future.

In conclusion, the cake I had during my graduation party holds a special place in my heart. It represents the culmination of years of hard work and the start of a new journey. It was not just a delicious treat; it was a symbol of accomplishment and celebration.

