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2024-09-20 13:38:48
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1最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: city you’ve visited that you like

Wuyishan is a city located in the northwestern part of Fujian Province, China. I visited this city about 10 years ago and it left a strong impression on me. What I liked about Wuyishan was its peaceful and laid-back atmosphere. Unlike crowded and fast-paced cities, Wuyishan had a relaxed vibe with friendly locals and delicious food.

The scenery in Wuyishan was also amazing. The city is surrounded by mountains and tea fields, which provided breathtaking views. Going on walks around the mountains and exploring the tea fields was a truly incredible experience. The beauty of Wuyishan was unexpected, as it is not a place that is widely talked about.

I have been back to Wuyishan a few times since my first visit, and it always has the same effect on me. It is a place where I can truly relax and enjoy the natural beauty. Wuyishan holds a special place in my heart, and I always have a great time whenever I visit.

In conclusion, Wuyishan is a city that I really like. Its peaceful atmosphere, friendly locals, and stunning scenery make it a perfect destination for anyone looking for a relaxing and enjoyable trip.

2最新雅思口语Part2话题答案:An occasion a person or something that made you laugh


有一天,兔子买了一顶可爱的帽子,在回家的路上遇到了经常给她惹麻烦的狼。狼打了兔子的头,并问道:“你为什么戴着帽子?!” 这件事让兔子感到困惑和害怕。

第二天,兔子决定不再戴帽子,但当她遇到狼时,他再次打她,并问道:“你的帽子呢?!” 兔子更加困惑,不知所措。


不知情的是,兔子正在门外偷听,听到了一切。第二天,当狼要求兔子摘花时,她巧妙地问道:“红色的还是黄色的?” 这让狼措手不及。然后,他要求兔子给他找一个女孩,她回答说:“胖的还是瘦的?” 狼犹豫了一下,然后打了她的头,问道:“你的帽子呢?!”


3雅思口语Part 2新题预测:生气体验




