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"A Memorable Transition: Settling into a New Home or School"

2024-09-19 21:07:51
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1最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a time you moved to a new home or school

I remember when I moved to a new school during my third year of primary school. It wasn't a decision I made myself, but rather one that was made by my parents. They believed that the new school would provide me with a better English education, even though I didn't want to leave my friends and teachers behind.

It was a hot September morning when my parents helped me enroll in a private school in the inner suburb of Nanjing. The distance wasn't the biggest challenge for me at the time; instead, it was the idea of living in a boarding school for five days a week.

At first, I was actually excited about the idea of living away from my parents. It meant that I could have more freedom and independence. The first few days went by smoothly as I adjusted to the new environment and made new friends. However, on the fourth day, I witnessed one of my roommates crying on her bed at night. Seeing her sadness triggered my own emotions, and I couldn't help but cry as well. Looking back, I realize that I was being childish at the time, but it was a difficult experience for me nonetheless.

Despite the initial challenges, I am grateful for my time in the boarding school. Not only did I receive a high-quality education, but I also learned valuable life skills and formed lifelong friendships. Moving to a new school was a significant change in my life, but it ultimately helped shape me into the person I am today.

2雅思口语part1高频话题答案:mobile phone(手机)


1. How often do you use your mobile phone?

Well, obviously I use my mobile phone on a daily basis. I always use it to get in touch with my family and friends. Besides, I play games in my mobile phone when I have nothing to do at home in the day time.

2. Can you describe your mobile phone?

Currently I’m using iPhone 6s. Though it was quite expensive, it came with lots of exciting features and apps. The screen response is perfect and the thumb print works 100% of the time and is really convenient to get into the phone. Besides, the camera is awesome too, and does not have the delay so I can always capture the stunning moment.

3. What was your first mobile phone?

My first mobile phone was the Nokia bar phone in 2004. It was quite expensive then because I was a university student and didn’t have much money. I got a part-time job to earn the money and bought it in a shopping mall. Fortunately the mobile phone turned out to be well worth what I had done then.

4. Would you buy a new one in the future?

Yes, my iPhone 5s is relatively outdated, so I just want to update to the latest iPhone 6s in the near future. It has a larger screen so I believe it would be much more comfortable to read news or type text messages to my friends on it.

5. How has your mobile phone changed your life?

Oh, the mobile phone definitely has changed my life dramatically. Probably the most interesting change is that the mobile phone has freed me from the constraints of space. For example,it is no longer necessary for me to apologise if I am late for a meeting with my friends because of some unexpected situation. I just make a telephone call. I think my life is fully mobile.

3雅思口语Part2话题答案:swimming place

Swimming is a popular activity in my hometown, and there are several swimming places to choose from. One of the most well-known swimming places is the JCT mill swimming pool. Located inside the mill, it is considered the top swimming pool in the area.

The JCT mill swimming pool is known for its cleanliness and maintenance. The water is filtered on a weekly basis, ensuring that it is safe for swimming. While the pool is free for mill employees and their families, outsiders need special permission to swim there.

This swimming pool offers different depth levels on different sides, with the maximum depth being 16 feet. Beginners are only allowed to swim in the shallow side of the pool, while more experienced swimmers can enjoy the deeper areas. There are also diving facilities available for those who want to practice their diving skills.

One of the reasons why people prefer swimming at the JCT mill swimming pool is because of the professional trainers available. There are 5 trainers who provide swimming lessons and help beginners learn the basics. The fee for swimming lessons is also very affordable, making it accessible to everyone.

In addition to the professional trainers, the swimming pool also offers convenience to its visitors. There are shower rooms where people can change and take a bath after swimming, making it easy for them to freshen up after their swim.

In conclusion, the JCT mill swimming pool is a popular choice for swimming in my hometown. Its cleanliness, professional trainers, and convenience make it an ideal place for both beginners and experienced swimmers. Whether you want to relax or improve your swimming skills, this swimming pool provides a great environment for everyone.

