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2024-09-19 15:58:56
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1老师出招 巧妙应对雅思口语考试中的疑难杂症




  • 1. 提前准备一些常用的话题,并进行反复练习。可以找一些雅思口语模板来参考,但要注意保持真实性。
  • 2. 多听多读多积累,扩大自己的词汇量和语言表达能力。可以通过阅读英文材料、听力练习和观看英语电影来提高。
  • 3. 制定一个学习计划,每天都进行口语练习。可以找一个语伴或者参加口语培训班,与他人进行交流和讨论,提高口语表达能力。
  • 4. 在备考过程中,多参加一些模拟考试,熟悉考试形式和要求,增加自信心。



  • 1. 练习思维转换,将关键词转化为完整的句子。可以通过模仿和背诵一些范文来提高自己的表达能力。
  • 2. 多进行口语练习,逐渐培养自己的口语思维。可以找一个语伴或者参加口语培训班,与他人进行交流和讨论,提高口语表达能力。
  • 3. 注意积累一些常用的句型和表达方式,灵活运用。
  • 4. 在备考过程中,多参加一些模拟考试,熟悉考试形式和要求,增加自信心。








1. Do not be afraid to pause

When faced with a question or a blank, do not be afraid to pause. Take a moment to breathe and give yourself some time to think and organize your thoughts. When you are ready to answer, start expressing yourself. This can help avoid answering incorrectly or ambiguously, while also demonstrating your thinking ability and confidence.

2. Prepare alternative topics

If you encounter an unfamiliar or uninteresting topic, you can prepare some alternative topics in advance, such as personal interests or travel experiences. This way, you can use them flexibly when needed, showcasing your wide knowledge and experience. Do not overly rely on pre-prepared topics, being flexible can attract more attention from the examiner.

3. Highlight your strengths

When answering questions, identify the most interesting or proficient aspect of the topic and emphasize it. This can showcase your expertise or experience, while also increasing your confidence and fluency. Focusing on your strengths makes it easier to leave a lasting impression.

4. Take deep breaths

Before and during the exam, take deep breaths to relieve nervousness. If you feel nervous or suddenly forget words, pause and take a deep breath, look at the prompt sheet or notes. If necessary, request different questions to restart your expression. Stay calm and relaxed to better cope with the exam.

5. Maintain eye contact

When answering questions, always maintain eye contact with the listener. This can establish better communication and connection, making your expression more natural and fluent. Eye contact is an important part of language interaction, which can increase the effectiveness and persuasiveness of your expression.







In the IELTS speaking test, there are several common mistakes that candidates should avoid. Here are three major pitfalls to be aware of:

Firstly, it is not advisable to try and memorize all the possible questions in the IELTS speaking test. The question bank is extensive, and it is not realistic to memorize all the questions. Moreover, relying too heavily on memorization can hinder one's ability to express themselves naturally, which is a significant factor in the scoring criteria.

Secondly, while it is acceptable to use idiomatic expressions in the speaking test, it is crucial to ensure their accuracy and appropriateness. Incorrect usage of idioms can lower the vocabulary score. Therefore, it is important to use idioms correctly and avoid pursuing flashy expressions.

Lastly, trying to improve scores by using advanced vocabulary is not recommended. The IELTS speaking test focuses more on fluency and pronunciation rather than the range of vocabulary. Therefore, it is essential to focus on natural and fluent expression, as well as imitating native-like intonation and stress, rather than solely relying on advanced vocabulary.

In conclusion, it is important to learn how to use authentic and natural language, prioritize fluency and pronunciation, and avoid excessive reliance on memorization and pursuit of advanced vocabulary. I hope these suggestions will be helpful for your IELTS speaking test preparation, and I wish you success in achieving a high score!

