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"How to Achieve Your Future Goals: A Guide to Success"

2024-09-23 21:48:40
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1雅思口语题库Part2话题答案--Describe a goal you’d like to achieve in the future

Describe a goal you’d like to achieve in the future

In the future, I have a goal of becoming a skilled guitar player. As a music enthusiast, I have already learned how to play the electronic keyboard and have reached a decent level of proficiency. Even as a university student, I continue to practice and improve my skills on the keyboard. However, living in a dorm with three roommates, one of whom is a beginner guitar player, has motivated me to take up the guitar as well.

My roommate, who is just starting out on the guitar, often tries to imitate the songs I practice on the keyboard. Unfortunately, his attempts are often quite terrible and it ruins the experience for me. This frustration has pushed me towards learning the guitar so that I can play the songs on both instruments. I believe that once I can play these songs proficiently on the guitar, my roommate will feel ashamed to play them in front of me.

Another reason why I want to learn the guitar is that most popular songs have guitar scores readily available, while there are not as many scores for the electronic keyboard. This makes it inconvenient for me to convert the songs into sheet music for the keyboard. By learning the guitar, I can easily find scores for the songs I love and play them without any hassle.

I believe that achieving this goal should not be too difficult for me. I have already learned how to read music and have a solid foundation in music theory. With the help of instructional books and online tutorials for beginners, I am confident that I can make significant progress in learning the guitar. My target is to achieve a high level of skill within three years after my graduation.

Overall, I am excited about the prospect of becoming a proficient guitar player in the future. Not only will it allow me to enjoy playing music on another instrument, but it will also give me the satisfaction of surpassing my roommate's abilities. I look forward to the day when I can confidently play my favorite songs on the guitar and showcase my musical talent.

2雅思口语Part 2新题预测:爱冒险的人


Among the people I know, I believe my younger brother is definitely the most adventurous person. In his final year of undergraduate studies, he realized his passion for traveling. While others were looking for jobs, he decided to go on a journey. By freelancing, he earned some money and embarked on his travel adventure.







1. 注重细节:在叙述整个投诉经历时,要侧重投诉的细节,包括投诉平台、投诉流程以及投诉的效果等。

2. 强调成功:这类话题要求描述一个投诉成功的经历,所以要着重强调投诉的结果。

3. 注意时态:这类题目要求描述过去的经历,所以需要使用过去时态来叙述。


