1. 登录官网:首先,在雅思官方网站上注册一个个人账户,并填写个人信息。
2. 选择考试类型:在个人账户中选择雅思考试类型,如果你要报考G类(培训类),就选择G类;如果你要报考A类(学术类),就选择A类。
3. 预付费用:根据所选的考试类型,预付相应的考试费用。
4. 选择考位:在个人账户中选择合适的考点和考试时间,并确认无误后提交申请。
5. 确认付款:确认付款后,系统会重新分配一个雅思考试注册号,并冻结预付款。
6. 准备参加考试:在考试前一周,登录官网查询考试信息,建议尽早查询以防万一。
7. 参加考试:拿到试卷后,按照听力、阅读、写作、口语的顺序依次作答。
8. 完成考试:考试结束后,检查试卷,确认无误后离开考场。
How to Take the TOEFL and IELTS in China
In China, the TOEFL and IELTS are two common English exams. Here is an introduction to their exam formats and some tips for preparation.
In China, the TOEFL exam has two main formats: the paper-based test and the iBT (Internet-based test).
The paper-based test is usually conducted in official test centers in major cities. It includes reading and listening sections as written exams, and speaking and writing sections as oral exams and written exams.
The iBT test can be taken online and consists of four sections: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The speaking section is particularly difficult to simulate.
The IELTS exam in China can be taken at official test centers and authorized test venues.
The official test centers offer both paper-based and computer-based exams, while authorized test venues mostly provide paper-based exams.
The IELTS exam is scored on a scale of 1 to 9 and consists of four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The total exam time is about 2 hours and 45 minutes.
The speaking and writing sections have specific time slots, while the listening and reading sections can be started at any time within a certain period after the exam begins.
Preparation Tips
We hope the above information on the exam formats and preparation tips for the TOEFL and IELTS in China is helpful to IELTS test takers.