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2024-12-25 13:25:33
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一. 心态决定成败


二. 肢体语言取胜技巧

1. 微笑:微笑是非常重要的肢体语言。考生向考官微笑,可以让考官感受到友好和自信的氛围,也能帮助缓解紧张情绪。

2. 适当肢体语言帮助表达:适当的肢体语言可以让表达更加自然,也能帮助考官理解考生的意思。但肢体语言要适度,不能过于夸张。

三. 控制语速和声音






1. 仔细阅读考场的黑板上的指示,监考老师也会引导考生正确填写信息。在填写答题卡之前,确保你已经清楚了解了填写规则。

2. 考生可以举手示意,如果听不懂监考老师的英语指示,老师会用缓慢的语速重复。如果你有任何疑问,一定要及时向监考老师提问。

3. 打开试卷一定要听从监考老师的安排,等到老师说可以了再打开,避免作弊嫌疑。按照考试规定,只有在监考老师许可的情况下才能打开试卷。


1. 阅读和听力部分的答题纸颜色不同,听力是浅粉色,阅读是灰色的,写作是白色,有时还会出现黄色。在填写答题卡之前,确保你使用的是正确的答题纸。

2. 答题卡上没有中文,考官不会说中文,所以考生需要注意理解英文指示。确保你能够理解并正确执行监考老师的指示。

3. 填涂答题卡的信息包括:名字(拼音,姓的下面要划线)、考试日期、第一语言的代码、考试号。在填写这些信息时,一定要仔细核对,确保准确无误。


1. 首先要选择性别,将对应性别的方框涂黑。请注意,男性填写"M",女性填写"F"。

2. 填写母语代码,先填数字再涂黑对应的方框。母语代码是一个代表你母语语言的三位数字代码。

3. 最后选择考试类型,即将相应选项涂黑。在填写考试类型时,根据你参加的考试科目选择相应的选项。

4. 答题时将答案填写在题号后的空格中。请注意,每道题的答案只能填写一个字母或数字。



IELTS Answer Sheet Filling Guidelines and Tips

IELTS is an important English exam, and filling out the answer sheet correctly is crucial for test takers. Here are some guidelines and tips for filling out the IELTS answer sheet.

First, test takers should pay attention to the following points when filling out the answer sheet:

  1. Carefully read the instructions on the blackboard in the test room. The invigilator will also guide the test takers to fill out the information correctly. Before filling out the answer sheet, make sure you understand the rules.
  2. If you don't understand the invigilator's English instructions, you can raise your hand to indicate. The invigilator will repeat the instructions at a slower pace. If you have any questions, be sure to ask the invigilator in a timely manner.
  3. When opening the test paper, follow the instructions of the invigilator. Wait until the invigilator says it's allowed before opening the test paper to avoid suspicion of cheating. According to the examination regulations, the test paper can only be opened with the permission of the invigilator.

For the reading and listening sections of the answer sheet, test takers should pay attention to the following points:

  1. The answer sheets for the reading and listening sections have different colors. The listening section is light pink, and the reading section is gray. The writing section is white, and sometimes there may be yellow answer sheets. Before filling out the answer sheet, make sure you are using the correct answer sheet.
  2. The answer sheet does not have Chinese instructions, and the invigilator will not speak Chinese. Therefore, test takers need to understand the English instructions. Make sure you understand and correctly follow the instructions of the invigilator.
  3. The information to be filled in the answer sheet includes: name (in pinyin, underline the last name), test date, first language code, and test number. When filling in this information, double-check to ensure accuracy.

Here is how to fill out the answer sheet for the reading section:

  1. First, select your gender by shading the corresponding box. Please note that "M" should be filled in for males, and "F" should be filled in for females.
  2. Fill in the first language code by filling in the corresponding box with the three-digit code. The first language code represents your native language.
  3. Finally, select the test type by shading the corresponding option. Choose the appropriate option based on the test subjects you are taking.
  4. When answering the questions, write your answers in the spaces after the question numbers. Please note that each answer should only be one letter or number.

It is important to note that the last row of the answer sheet is filled in by the examiner during the marking process, and test takers do not need to fill in this information.

These are the guidelines and tips for filling out the IELTS answer sheet. We hope that test takers can fill out the answer sheet according to the regulations to ensure a smooth test experience and achieve good results. Good luck!

