雅思   >   学习攻略   >   考托福的优势:为什么更多人倾向于考托福而不是雅思?


2024-10-04 16:11:32
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5 Reasons Why More People Choose TOEFL Over IELTS

When it comes to studying abroad, Chinese students tend to choose the United States as their main destination, although there are also a significant number of students who go to Europe. Most universities in the United States accept both TOEFL and IELTS scores, but data shows that the TOEFL is more popular among Chinese students. So why do more people choose TOEFL over IELTS? Here are five reasons:

1. Different Exam Formats

The IELTS exam consists of a written test and a speaking test, while the TOEFL is a computer-based exam. Some students prefer the IELTS because they are more comfortable with pen and paper exams, while others find the TOEFL more convenient because they can type faster on a computer. Personal preferences for American or British accents may also influence the choice between the two exams.

2. Different Preparation Materials

The IELTS has fewer official practice materials compared to the TOEFL. While there are only 11 official IELTS books available, the TOEFL offers a wide range of official practice materials, including the Official TOEFL Practice Online. Additionally, there are more "predictable" questions and "test banks" available for the TOEFL, making it easier for students to prepare.

3. Differences in Exam Fees and Registration Deadlines

The IELTS exam fee in China is currently 1850 RMB, while the TOEFL fee is 1761 RMB. The registration deadline for the IELTS is 23 days before the exam date, whereas the TOEFL allows last-minute registration up to 3 days before the exam (with an additional fee). This flexibility in registration deadlines makes the TOEFL a more convenient choice for students who need their scores quickly.

4. Differences in Test Centers

The TOEFL has more test centers and locations in China compared to the IELTS. With 120 test centers in 45 cities, the TOEFL offers more options for test-takers. In contrast, the IELTS has 53 test centers in 35 cities. This difference in availability and convenience may also contribute to the popularity of the TOEFL.

5. Higher Score Requirements for IELTS

While many universities accept both TOEFL and IELTS scores, some institutions set higher score requirements for the IELTS. For example, a university may require a TOEFL score of 100 (equivalent to a 7 on the IELTS), but ask for a minimum IELTS score of 7.5 or above. This preference for TOEFL scores among American universities may influence students' choices.

In conclusion, the choice between TOEFL and IELTS ultimately depends on personal preferences and individual circumstances. While both exams are widely accepted for assessing English language proficiency, the reasons mentioned above may explain why more Chinese students choose the TOEFL over the IELTS. It is important for students to carefully consider their own strengths, weaknesses, and study goals before making a decision.

Good luck to all the test-takers, regardless of which exam they choose!


Is there a fee for IELTS remarking?

When it comes to IELTS remarking, the fee depends on the specific situation. If you simply have doubts about your IELTS score and want to request a remark, there is no additional fee required.

However, if you question the scoring criteria or the specific process of the IELTS exam and want to submit an appeal to the IELTS test center, there may be an additional fee involved.

Therefore, when deciding whether to request an IELTS remark, you need to determine your specific situation and understand the fee policy.

If you decide to proceed with the remark, make sure to follow the prescribed procedure and timeline, and provide sufficient evidence to support your case. When filling out the application form, clearly state your reasons and the desired outcome.

In addition, it is advisable to communicate with the test center before applying for a remark, in order to understand their specific requirements and procedures. This can help avoid unnecessary trouble and fees.

Finally, regardless of the remark result, it is important to maintain a positive mindset. Even if the outcome is not as desired, do not be discouraged. The exam is only a small part of life, and what matters is that we can learn from it and continuously improve ourselves.

3不同雅思学习方法优略点分析 你更适合哪一种?

不同雅思学习方法优劣点分析 你更适合哪一种?



1. 自由度高:自学备考雅思很自由,不用按时按点去培训班上课,可以自由安排学习计划。

2. 少打扰:自学备考雅思可以选择一个人去找到安静的地方学习,外界的干扰因素很少。

3. 锻炼学习能力:自学备考雅思可以锻炼自己的学习能力,培养自主学习的能力。


1. 遇到难题无人请教:自学备考雅思遇到不会的东西没有老师可以及时请教。

2. 容易产生懈怠情绪:自学备考雅思很容易懈怠,一个人学习没有人督促很有可能放弃。

3. 提升相对较慢:自学备考雅思提升效率相对会较低一些。


1. 遇到问题可以请教老师:报班学习雅思遇到不会的问题可以及时请教老师,有经验丰富的老师指点可以让大家少走弯路。

2. 快速提升:报班学习雅思可以学习到一些高效的学习和做题方法,提升效果更快。

3. 适合基础较差或者自制力较差的人:报班学习雅思对于基础较差或者自制力较差的人来说是比较好的方式。


1. 降低自学能力:报班学习雅思容易让大家产生依赖性,降低自学能力。

2. 路途时间浪费:报班学习雅思需要花费时间去培训班上课,路途上会浪费不少时间。

3. 成本较高:报班学习雅思需要支付一笔不小的培训班费用,对于经济不宽裕的学生来说也是一定的压力。


