1. 考试前找不到身份证
2. 考试中耳机出故障
3. 突然想上厕所
4. 口语考试中被考官打断或态度恶劣
举个例子来说明这一点,某高校非英语专业期末考题中有一道题目如下:“Luisa worked with extreme precision, _________that served her well in her law career.” 要求选择一个合适的词填空。选项分别是:谨小慎微、厚颜无耻、抑制约束、搬弄是非、冲动莽撞。如果考生有一个词不认识,那么这道题的正确率就会受到影响。
What is IELTS Enquiry on Results (EOR) and its complete process?
IELTS Enquiry on Results (EOR) is a process where candidates can request a re-evaluation or re-marking of their IELTS test scores if they believe there has been an error in the marking process. Below is the detailed process of IELTS Enquiry on Results:
1. Application for EOR
Candidates need to submit an application for EOR to the test center within 6 months of receiving their test results. They are required to fill out an EOR application form and pay the applicable fee.
2. Confirmation of Scores
The test center will review the application and verify the candidate's scores.
3. Re-marking
If the candidate requests a re-marking, the test center will send the test materials to be re-marked by two independent examiners. The final score will be the average of the two examiners' marks.
4. Re-calculation
If the candidate requests a re-calculation, the test center will re-check the candidate's answer sheet and test records to ensure there were no administrative errors or technical issues during the test.
5. Result Notification
The test center will notify the candidate of the result of the EOR process within 10-14 working days. If there is a change in the scores, a new Test Report Form will be issued.
6. Result Confirmation
The candidate needs to confirm the result of the EOR. If they are still not satisfied, they can apply for a second EOR, but they will need to pay the fee again.
It is important to note that the outcome of an EOR is unlikely to result in significant score changes. Therefore, it is recommended that candidates prepare well for the test to avoid unnecessary complications.