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2024-09-19 14:52:47
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1雅思口语part1高频话题答案:mobile phone(手机)


1. How often do you use your mobile phone?

2. Can you describe your mobile phone?

3. What was your first mobile phone?

4. Would you buy a new one in the future?

5. How has your mobile phone changed your life?

Sample answers:

1.Well, obviously I use my mobile phone on a daily basis. I always use it to get in touch with my family and friends. Besides, I play games in my mobile phone when I have nothing to do at home in the day time.

2.Currently I’m using iPhone 6s. Though it was quite expensive, it came with lots of exciting features and apps. The screen response is perfect and the thumb print works 100% of the time and is really convenient to get into the phone. Besides, the camera is awesome too, and does not have the delay so I can always capture the stunning moment.

capture the stunning moment 捕捉令人惊叹的瞬间

3.My first mobile phone was the Nokia bar phone in 2004. It was quite expensive then because I was a university student and didn’t have much money. I got a part-time job to earn the money and bought it in a shopping mall. Fortunately the mobile phone turned out to be well worth what I had done then.

4.Yes, my iPhone 5s is relatively outdated, so I just want to update to the latest iPhone 6s in the near future. It has a larger screen so I believe it would be much more comfortable to read news or type text messages to my friends on it.

relatively 相对来说

5.Oh, the mobile phone definitely has changed my life dramatically. Probably the most interesting change is that the mobile phone has freed me from the constraints of space. For example,it is no longer necessary for me to apologise if I am late for a meeting with my friends because of some unexpected situation. I just make a telephone call. I think my life is fully mobile.

definitely 确切地 dramatically 戏剧性地 constraints 约束


今天给大家带来的是雅思口语考试Part 2的新题精解,话题是"靠近水的地方"。下面是一篇优化改写的范文,供大家参考。

XX island is an island located about a 2-hour drive from Melbourne city, in the south of Melbourne. I feel extremely fortunate that my parents own a vacation home there. As we were growing up, we used to frequently take weekend trips to the beach on the island. During the summer holidays, there is always so much to do. The island attracts a large number of tourists who are drawn to its stunning surfing beaches and the penguin parade, where you can witness the adorable little penguins walking up from the water. It is a fantastic destination for families, tourists, and even the elderly. Usually, I visit the island with my family, although occasionally I invite my friends as well. It is such a lovely place that is conveniently close, just a short two-hour trip by car or plane, and there is always something to keep you entertained.


今天给大家带来的是雅思口语考试Part 2的新题精解,话题是"靠近水的地方"。下面是一篇优化改写的范文,供大家参考。


以上就是本次的雅思口语考试Part 2新题精解,希望对大家有帮助!

3最新雅思口语Part2话题答案:a decision made by someone that you disagreed with

I'd like to talk about a decision made by a friend of mine that I strongly disagreed with. She decided to quit her stable job and start her own business. I think it was a risky and impractical decision.

She made this decision after attending a motivational seminar where the speaker encouraged everyone to follow their passion and take risks. She was inspired by the speaker's words and believed that starting her own business was the only way for her to achieve true happiness and success.

However, I disagreed with her decision for several reasons. Firstly, she had a well-paying job with good benefits and job security. By quitting her job, she would be giving up a stable income and putting herself at financial risk. Starting a business is always risky, especially in the early stages when there is no guarantee of success. I felt that she should have considered the financial implications more carefully before making such a decision.

Secondly, she had no prior experience or knowledge in running a business. While she was passionate about her idea, passion alone is not enough to ensure success. Running a business requires a lot of skills and expertise, such as marketing, finance, and operations. I felt that she should have taken the time to gain some experience and knowledge in these areas before diving into entrepreneurship.

Furthermore, I felt that she was being unrealistic in her expectations. She believed that her business would become an overnight success and that she would be able to live a life of luxury and freedom. However, the reality is that most businesses take years to become profitable, and even then, there are no guarantees. I felt that she was setting herself up for disappointment and failure by having unrealistic expectations.

In conclusion, I strongly disagreed with my friend's decision to quit her job and start her own business. I believed that it was a risky and impractical decision, considering her financial situation, lack of experience, and unrealistic expectations. While I admired her courage and passion, I felt that she should have taken a more cautious and practical approach to achieving her goals.

