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2024-09-18 14:15:19
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  1. 每天至少听一篇听力练习:建议每天花20-30分钟的时间进行雅思听力练习。可以从雅思官方网站或其他相关网站上找到合适的听力材料。

  2. 着重练习自己薄弱的部分:每次练习中,记录下自己听力较差的部分,并着重练习这些部分。这样可以帮助你在弱点上有所突破。

  3. 多听多练:多听、多复习才是进步的关键,因此建议多次听同一段听力材料,模拟真实考试环境,加强记忆。

  4. 提高词汇量:雅思听力经常涉及高级词汇,因此在充8计划中要扩展词汇量。可以使用词汇书、APP等方式进行词汇积累。

  5. 笔记 + 回放:练习听力材料时,记下关键词、关键信息,并在完成后回放材料巩固记忆。

  6. 注重听力技巧:学习各类听力题型的解题技巧,帮助更好地理解听力内容。例如,学习如何快速定位答案、捕捉关键信息等。

  7. 自我评估:记录学习效果,定期进行自我评估,找出不足之处并制定改进计划。

  8. 寻求帮助:遇到难题时,向老师或其他学习伙伴求助。互相交流听力练习的方法和经验,帮助提高听力能力。



The Difference Between TOEFL and IELTS Vocabulary

When it comes to vocabulary, there are several differences between TOEFL and IELTS:

1. Vocabulary Size: TOEFL requires a larger vocabulary compared to IELTS. This is because TOEFL vocabulary is designed to cater to the needs of studying abroad and living in an English-speaking country, while IELTS vocabulary focuses more on everyday life and work.

2. Core Vocabulary: In TOEFL Reading, there are over 10,000 words that may appear, but after excluding simple words, suffixes, and rare specialized terms that only appear once or twice, there are only about 2500 core words that need to be memorized. On the other hand, IELTS vocabulary mainly consists of commonly used words in daily life, and a good grasp of the vocabulary from CET-4 and CET-6 (the Chinese equivalent of TOEFL) is sufficient, which is around 6000 words.

3. Topics and Themes: TOEFL covers a wider range of topics, including campus life, social life, technology, culture, nature, humanities, etc. On the other hand, IELTS focuses more on assessing the candidate's ability to apply their language skills in various contexts, such as reading comprehension, listening, speaking, and writing.

4. Memory Techniques: TOEFL vocabulary often requires associative memory techniques, where learners associate new words with familiar concepts or images. On the other hand, IELTS vocabulary relies more on contextual memory, where learners remember words based on the context in which they are used.

5. Application: IELTS vocabulary has a wider application in real-life situations, requiring candidates to not only understand the meaning of words but also use them appropriately in different contexts. TOEFL vocabulary, on the other hand, is primarily focused on meeting the requirements of studying abroad and taking the exam, so candidates need to master the core vocabulary and be able to use it proficiently in the context of studying abroad and daily learning.

In summary, TOEFL and IELTS vocabulary differ in terms of vocabulary size, core vocabulary, topics and themes, memory techniques, and application. Candidates should choose the appropriate exam based on their needs and goals, and focus on mastering the corresponding vocabulary memorization methods and application skills during their preparation.

