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2024-07-01 18:15:14
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1. 阅读考试中也会和听力一样有10分钟时间誊写答案吗?

No, there is no extra 10 minutes for transferring answers in the Reading test. You must write your answers directly on the answer sheet during the 1-hour test.

2. 如果我考试当天忘记携带准考证该怎么办?

If you forget to bring your ID card, please contact the test center staff immediately and provide them with the identification document you used to register for the test. They will assist you accordingly.

3. 我应该何时到考场?

For the written test: Please arrive at the test center and check-in by 08:00 on the test day.

For the speaking test: Please arrive at the test center 30 minutes before your scheduled speaking test time.

4. 那我会先考哪一科目?

The IELTS test usually follows the order of Listening, Reading, and Writing. The Speaking test may be scheduled on a different day within one week before or after the written test. Please refer to the notification on the test day for the exact arrangement.

5. 笔试部分我可以用钢笔或圆珠笔作答吗?

No, you must use the pencil provided to complete the answer sheets.

6. 雅思考试是在一天内需要完成的吗?

Yes, the Listening, Reading, and Writing tests are usually completed on the same day without any breaks. The Speaking test may be scheduled on a different day within one week before or after the written test.

7. 雅思听力和口语考试中会听到哪些奇特口音吗?

Yes, the IELTS test is designed to assess your ability to understand various accents of English. You may hear different accents in the Listening and Speaking tests.

8. 我如果仅出席了笔试或者口试,可否收到考试成绩单?

No, if you miss any part of the test or fail to complete the on-site procedures, you will not receive a test report form.

9. 我可以在试卷上做笔记吗?

Yes, you can make notes on the question paper during the test. However, the examiner will only assess the answers written on the answer sheet.

10. 我可以带哪些东西参加考试,哪些不能带?

On the test day, you must bring the following items: a valid identification document that matches the one used for registration, a recent passport-sized colored photograph with a white background (with your name and candidate number written on the back), and your test admission ticket. Please note that you should not bring any electronic devices, personal belongings, or stationery as they will be provided by the test center. Mobile phones and pagers must be turned off and stored outside the test room. Failure to comply with these rules may result in disqualification.
