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2024-09-26 10:51:54
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1. 阅读英语材料


2. 学习词汇的用法和搭配


3. 注意上下文


4. 练习写作和口语












IETLS Speaking Topic Bank: What is it?

Since the IELTS test was introduced to China in 1989, the number of test centers and test takers has been increasing rapidly. Even various IELTS training institutions have been growing like mushrooms. This is a 27-year period of rapid growth for the IELTS test in China. There are many differences between the IELTS test and our previous college entrance examination and English proficiency tests, one of which is that the IELTS test uses a question bank for all sections, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

This is a secret that the official IELTS has never mentioned. Why can today's test takers, regardless of their previous knowledge of the IELTS test, quickly find various IELTS question banks, both free and paid, when they start preparing for the IELTS test? Don't think that these entry-level IELTS materials are so readily available, they are the lessons learned from the sweat and tears of countless predecessors.

That's because in the ancient times of the IELTS test, there were not many IELTS test takers in China, and there were no diverse coaching books or coaching institutions like today. Test takers were all on their own, and preparing for the IELTS test was very difficult. So, don't talk about the question banks of real exams, even the Cambridge IELTS series that we all have now, was something we didn't dare to imagine.

But thanks to the emergence of the internet and popular online forums like 无忧 and 太傻, more and more test takers gathered together. They were no longer alone, and they were willing to share. They shared their own experiences, interesting stories during preparation, and most importantly, the hottest and most important thing - the recall of real exam questions.

After each test, test takers from all over the country contributed their memories of the exam questions. When these fragments of memories gathered together, a complete puzzle was finally completed. Everyone was surprised to find that the topics of the IELTS test were not limited by region, they were the same nationwide, and the same questions were asked repeatedly. After systematic organization, it was further discovered that the number of topics in the IELTS speaking section was limited, much smaller than imagined, and the topics tested within a certain period of time remained unchanged. Thus, the initial speaking topic bank was established.

Of course, in those days (the late 1990s to the early 21st century), the speaking topic bank was still rough because it was created by enthusiastic test takers who wanted to help others while their memories were still fresh. So, it can't be said to be very systematic or detailed. There were many gaps and some mistakes, but for test takers at that time, it was like a beacon in the snow and a lighthouse at sea.

Now, after 16 years of development in the information age, once a new speaking topic is introduced, it is immediately included in the topic bank, numbered, analyzed, accompanied by sample answers, and explained. It is like a production line, quick and efficient, thanks to the participation of hundreds of times more test takers in this crowd-sourcing movement of reconstructing the topic bank. Of course, the contribution of many IELTS teachers from various institutions cannot be overlooked. They specifically aim to bring back real exam questions.

As the September speaking topic bank is released, I can't help but think back to that era. Today's IELTS test takers are very fortunate. Compared to their predecessors, they have a significant advantage at the starting line. But can they win at the finish line?





