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2024-10-04 08:50:16
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雅思考试是国际英语测试系统(International English Language Testing System)的简称,是一种全球通用的英语水平考试。它被广泛接受并认可,成绩有效期为两年。


1. 出国留学:如果你计划在毕业后出国留学,特别是去英语国家,那么雅思成绩是很重要的申请材料。许多大学和研究生院都要求申请者提供雅思成绩作为英语能力的证明。

2. 就业竞争力:在当前的就业市场上,具备良好的英语能力是很多职位的基本要求。雅思成绩可以作为你英语能力的证明,增加你在求职过程中的竞争力。

3. 学术研究:如果你计划在国内读研究生或攻读博士学位,一些高校和研究机构可能要求申请者提供雅思成绩。这是因为他们希望确保学生具备足够的英语能力来进行学术研究。


1. 国内用人单位更看重四六级成绩:在国内就业,大多数用人单位更关注考生的四六级成绩,而不是雅思成绩。所以,如果你打算在国内就业,四六级成绩可能更有价值。

2. 考雅思需要投入大量精力:备考雅思需要花费很多时间和精力,包括听说读写四项都要进行训练。如果你在大学期间已经有很多其他重要的事情要做,如学习专业知识、参加实习等,那么备考雅思可能会分散你的注意力。

3. 考雅思也需要一定的经济支出:雅思考试的费用较高,如果你的经济状况有限,可能需要考虑一下是否值得花费这笔钱。




Finding a Job: Importance of Overall IELTS Score and Individual Module Scores

In the process of seeking employment abroad, IELTS scores play a crucial role as an assessment criterion. Prospective employers often consider IELTS scores as an important factor in their hiring decisions. However, apart from the overall IELTS score, individual module scores are also significant indicators of a candidate's language proficiency.

Different employers and job positions may have varying requirements for individual module scores. Some positions may prioritize listening and speaking abilities, while others may emphasize reading and writing skills. Therefore, when preparing for the IELTS exam, candidates need to focus not only on their overall score but also on their performance in each individual module.

To improve individual module scores, candidates can adopt effective study methods. Firstly, they should create a dedicated study plan for each module and allocate their time accordingly. Secondly, practicing relevant exercises and engaging in repeated practice can enhance skills and proficiency. Additionally, attending IELTS training courses or seeking guidance from professional tutors can provide practical tips and strategies to help candidates perform better in the exam.

Aside from active exam preparation, candidates can also enhance their language abilities through other means. For example, reading English books, newspapers, and magazines can improve reading skills. Listening to English broadcasts, TV programs, and audio materials can enhance listening abilities. Moreover, engaging in conversations with native English speakers can improve oral communication skills.

In summary, when seeking employment abroad, IELTS scores are important reference criteria, but individual module scores should also be considered. By implementing a well-planned study schedule, adopting effective learning methods, and actively improving language abilities, candidates can achieve better results in the IELTS exam and increase their competitiveness in the job market.



1. 申请时限:考试日期后6周(42天)内,考生须保证我处在复议申请时限内收到网上在线提交的申请、相关费用及成绩单原件。

2. 价格及付款时间:口语复议价格为1000元。考生可以同时复议多项。复议申请成功后,需要支付相应的费用。

3. 提交申请:登录雅思官网考后服务平台,在线申请成绩复议服务,并支付相关费用。同时,将成绩单原件寄送到雅思考试全国考后服务热线。

4. 官方处理:雅思官方收到考生的复议申请、费用和成绩单原件后,会准备考生申请复议项目的原始考试材料,包括答题纸和口试录音。

5. 复议考官重判:复议材料会提交给复议考官进行重判。如果考生申请多项成绩复议,各个部分将提交给不同的复议考官进行评分,以确保评分的严谨公正。

6. 复议结果通知:重判结束后,雅思官方会书面通知考生复议结果。



