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2024-11-18 13:16:58
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1雅思口语第1波轮换题袭来 新鲜出炉火速围观

又到了一年三度的雅思口语换题季,让我们在第一时间分析一下Part 2第一波出现的轮换题吧!

1. 一个你去过的被污染的地方。


2. 一个你买的让你感到开心的东东。


3. 未来想做的工作。

回忆一下上个季度的a person whose job is important to society,如果你说的是老师,医生,企业家或者导演什么的,直接拿来用吧!

4. 有趣的动物。

它可不是新题哦,之前考察过大家interesting animal的话题呢。

5. 与朋友一起吃的一顿饭。


针对第一道轮换题目,可以利用“before & after”策略,例如大家到了一个地方,可以用过去跟现在的状况作对比,突出这个pollution。至于这个place选在哪里,当然是哪里好说选哪里!比如之前那道古老的题目a place near water,这回又派上用场了!如果有在换题季参加考试的娃们,希望下面零星的素材可以多少给大家一些灵感:

I was elated about that trip but I was heartbroken by what I saw.

There was weird and disgusting smell in the air and the muddy water really spoils all the fun for me.

Lots of people had barbecues on the beach but they left plastic bags, barbecue sauce and skewers scattered all over the beach.

And I can see chips of broken glass bottles buried in the sand.

I found remains of fireworks along the coastline; I guess somebody tried to create a romantic atmosphere.

I was extremely disappointed because it was not supposed to be the case. I was told that it used to be a perfect vacation destination, with crystal clear water and everything. People could have fun on the beach or in the shallow water, but now, I wouldn’t dare to walk on the sand barefoot ‘cause I was afraid that the chips of glass would cut my sole.

All the garbage pollution was definitely an eyesore for visitors, no wonder we were charged so little for this trip.


An interesting topic that has appeared in the first set of Part 2 questions is "a polluted place you have visited." This topic is related to environmental protection, which requires candidates to have a good vocabulary and knowledge of environmental issues. It is important to note that the pollution can be in any form, such as air pollution, water pollution, or land pollution.

To answer this question, you can use the "before & after" strategy. For example, you can describe how the place used to be clean and beautiful, but now it is polluted and unpleasant. You can also mention the causes of pollution, such as industrial activities or human negligence. Additionally, you can discuss the impact of pollution on the environment and people's lives.

For example, if you choose a beach as the polluted place, you can describe how it used to have crystal clear water and white sandy beaches, but now it is filled with garbage and has a foul smell. You can talk about how this pollution affects marine life and the tourism industry. You can also discuss the efforts that have been made to clean up the pollution and the challenges that still exist.

Overall, this topic provides an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their knowledge of environmental issues and their ability to express their opinions and ideas. It is important to prepare vocabulary related to pollution and environmental protection in order to effectively answer this question.



  1. 清晰明了的回答:在回答问题时,要尽量简明扼要,避免使用废话和复杂的句子。语言要清晰明了,让考官听得明白,理解准确。

  2. 个性化的观点:表达观点和意见时,尽量从自己的角度出发。结合个人经验和感受来表达会更容易记忆和理解。

  3. 语法准确无误:语法是口语考试中重要的因素,语法错误和无逻辑性的回答会扣分。所以,要练习好语法,做到准确无误。

  4. 适当的表情和语调:口语考试不仅考察语言能力,也考察情感表达。适当的表情和语调是必要的,可以用肢体语言更好地表达意思。

  5. 有效的交流:考试时间有限,要学会如何有效传达信息和回答问题。通过练习提高反应速度和表达能力。






IELTS Speaking Prediction

This article provides a key prediction for IELTS Speaking in the second half of 2014. Based on analysis, the high-frequency topics from the first half of the year are still important to focus on. The article also offers advice for preparation, suggesting that candidates build a bank of vocabulary and expressions for each topic in Part 1. For Part 2, it is suggested that candidates can reuse previously prepared answers to reduce the burden of preparation. Additionally, candidates are advised to pay attention to accuracy when switching between tenses and can improve this through recording themselves and self-correction. For Part 3, the article recommends that candidates listen to podcasts or watch original online courses in order to improve their speaking skills.

In conclusion, we wish all candidates success in achieving their desired scores and smooth journeys in studying abroad.

