My dream is that one day England can be as good as Algeria, and play with that passion and desire, can't see it happening though unfortunately, but I can live in hope.
Fishcake Butty:
I think we can safely say that England would have been no match for Algeria or any of the teams that qualified for the 2nd round, maybe Greece if we played out of our skin.
Phil Heinricke:
I feel for the mother of that Algerian goalie. That poor woman won't be able to sleep for the next week because the phone ain't gonna stop ringing with agents and offers from teams calling.
Ozil and Gotze wer dreadful. Low should really consider playing Podolski more. It could be because he is playing out of position ormaybe fatigue. Whatever the reason if coach persists with this funny way of play Germany are going to lose.
Loew has taken a bunch of really talented players and put 6 of them out of position. And that's why Germany's defence and midfield look like they don't know what they're doing. Watching players as gifted as Kroos, Ozil, Mueller, Goetze, Lahm, Schweinsteiger etc... struggling made me actually almost physically angry. I want Loew gone. He's out of ideas and bought his own hype. He did well in 2010, but the praise went to his head and now he thinks he has insights he hasn't got.
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