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2015-10-10 18:14:00 来源:新东方在线发表评论

  With the invention and development of television, entertainment has grown much more visual in character and is demanding less and less use of the imagination, considered by many to be man's greatest faculty. But its greatest inadequacy lies in its inability to exercise just those creative powers in men which are called upon and developed in the pursuit of a worthwhile hobby, This lack is not serious while a man is still fully employed in his day-to-day work which itself often gives him opportunities to create either with his hands or with his mind. At this time he seeks only some form of relaxation in his leisure. There comes a time, however, when he must retire from his occupation on account of age, and it is then that these shallower pastimes, useful enough has a form of relaxation, might cease to satisfy the hitherto active man. Today, many elderly people are finding this to be true, and seem constantly to be suffering from a sense of frustration after retirement, which reveals seem constantly to be suffering from a sense of frustration after retirement, which reveals itself in a short temper and slow degeneration of health, the two most common symptoms.

  1. The writer criticizes visual entertainment because

  A. it does not require man's creative powers.

  B. it demands too much of our imagination.

  C. it can not improve our intelligence and skill.

  D. it leads man to slow degeneration in health.


  2. What is regarded as man’s greatest faculty?

  A. Entertainment

  B. Character

  C. Hobbies

  D. Imagination


  3. While fully employed, men look for

  A. visual entertainment that requires imagination in their leisure.

  B. opportunities to create either with their hands or with their minds in their leisure.

  C. something that will help them relax in their leisure.

  D. creative hobbies in their leisure.


  4. When retired, the elderly people find that

  A. shallower pastimes can no longer satisfy them.

  B. it is unnecessary to cultivate creative hobbies in their younger days.

  C. doing anything after retirement is unnecessary.

  D. relaxation is most suitable for their retired life.


  5. It can be inferred from the passage that

  A. hobbies are more important to the young than to the elderly.

  B. we should develop worthwhile hobbies when we are young.

  C. in ancient times entertainment was more visual in character.

  D. hobbies are not important in the health of modern men.








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