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26 G preserving marine habitats
27 M A300 was stripped of everything
28 A Not only will the sunken plane create the perfectskeleton
29 L the plane stretches a total length of 54 meters
30 C scuba drivers will eventually be able to
31 N around the plane’s territory
32 J see a return on that investment
33 O has been the victim of several deadly terrorist attacks
34 I this airbus A300 is the largest intentionally sunkaircraft ever
35 E taking a trip underwater and exploring the inside of asunken A300
26 H it has migrated from Detroit to silicon valley
27 A in a bid to take production back to detroit
28 G lawmakers have introduced legislation that could
29 D Michigan’s dominance in auto research
30 I countries which desire to replace our leadership
31 N the lead sponsor of four bills
32 J they would represent a substantial update
33 E set up on-demand fleets of self-drivingcars
34 B in contrast
35 K far mor restrictive rules that
26 C as one of the most brutal predators
27 I may not fit the image of a culturedcreature
28 K a vast range of highly refined behaviors
29 J which literally means “to cultivate”
30 A it refers to anything that is acquired or learnt
31 B have developed certain genetic adaptations that
32 O thereby allowing them to thrive in their coldclimate
33 G a range of different habitats across the globe
34 F with an empire that extends from pole to pole
35 M leading scientists to speculate that
Make stuff, fail , and learn while you’reat it
36E a maker space is where
37L the teacher’s role is enhanced
38H coming up with an idea of
39F contrary to structured learning
40A America is a nation known for
41J making will be boring
42G making can be related to a project
43N the author suggests incorporating theidea
44D the maker concept is a modern
45I making is not taken
Living with parents edges out other livingarrangement for 18-to-34-year-olds
36H unemployed young men are more likely to
37E in 2014, the percentage of men aged 18to 34
38G the percentage of young people who aremarried
39B around the mid-20th century
40K young adults with a college degree
41F young men are less likely to
42I more young adult women live
43H the percentage of young men
44J the rise in the number of collegestudents
45G one reason for young adults
How work will change when most of us liveto 100
36I an extended lifespan in the future
37G just extending one’s career
38D nowadays ,many Americans have
39N Because of their longer lifespan
40A many more people will be expected
41K A longer life will cause
42H fast technological change makes
43F many people may not
44M the close between age
45C people living a longer and healthier
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