







2016-11-17 10:06:40来源:网络



  Lesley Stahl: 90 minutes. You were scheduled for what? 15?

  主持人: 你们聊了90分钟。最初的日程安排只有15分钟吧?

  Donald Trump: This was just going to be a quick little chat and it lasted close to an hour and a half. And it could have gone on for four hours. I mean it was-- just-- in fact, it was almost hard breaking it up because we had so many things to say. And he told me-- the good things and the bad things, there are things that are tough right now--

  特朗普: 本来我们只准备很简短地聊聊,结果一聊就是一个半小时,而且其实可以一直聊下去,四个小时也没问题。其实,很难具体讲聊了哪些方面,因为聊的事情太多了。他告诉我一些好事情,一些坏事情,现在有很多棘手的事情。

  Lesley Stahl: Like what?

  主持人: 比如什么?

  Donald Trump: Well, look I don’t want to divulge, but we talked about the Middle East, that’s tough. It’s a tough situation. I wanted to get his full view and I got his, you know I got a good part of his view. And I like having that because I’m going to be inheriting that in a short period of time. I found him to be terrific. I found him to be-- very smart and very nice. Great sense of humor, as much as you can have a sense of humor talking about tough subjects, but we were talking about some pretty tough subjects.

  特朗普: 我不想泄露太多,但我们谈了中东问题,这非常棘手,当地情况很难处理,我想全面听取奥巴马的意见,他跟我说了,我了解了他大部分想法。我蛮喜欢这样。因为很快就要接手这些工作。他是个很棒的人,我觉得他非常聪明,人也很好,很有幽默感,在谈论棘手问题时还能保持幽默感。我们聊的问题都蛮棘手的。

  Lesley Stahl: You looked pretty sober sitting there in the Oval Office, did something wash over you or—

  主持人: 你在白宫时看上去很清醒,是遇到什么事让你清醒过来,还是……

  Donald Trump: No, I think I’m a sober person. I think the press tries to make you into something a little bit different. In my case, a little bit of a wild man. I’m not. I’m actually not. I’m a very sober person. But it was respect for the office, it was respect for the president. Again, I never met him before, but we had-- we had a very good chemistry going. And-- and I really found—it might not be that I agree with him, but I really found the conversation unbelievably interesting.

  特朗普: 不,我本来就是个清醒的人。我觉得媒体总是试图把人塑造得脱离原型。就我而言,媒体给我勾勒出一副狂人形象,但事实上那并不是我,我是个随时保持清醒的人。媒体这次给我正面形象,还是出于对白宫和总统的尊敬。回到奥巴马,我以前没跟他打过交道,但我们相处得不错。我觉得,虽然不一定完全同意他的看法,但想不到,跟他对话还真挺有意思的。

  Lesley Stahl: Do you think that-- that your election is a repudiation of his presidency?

  主持人: 你有没有这种感觉,你的竞选,是对他总统任期的一种否定?

  Donald Trump: No, I think it’s a moment in time where politicians for a long period of time have let people down. They’ve let ‘em down on the job front. They’ve even let ‘em down in terms of the war front. You know, we’ve been fighting this war for 15 years-- We’ve spent $6 trillion in the Middle East, $6 trillion, we could have rebuilt our country twice. And you look at our roads and our bridges and our tunnels and all of the-- and our airports are, like, obsolete. And I think it was just a repudiation of what’s been taking place over a longer period of time than that.

  特朗普: 不,我认为他代表了一个时刻,但其实长期以来,政客们一直让人民感到失望。在就业方面,人民很失望;在战争前线,政客也让人民失望。这场战争我们打了15年……我们在中东花了6万亿美元,6万亿,这笔钱足够我国重建两遍。可你看看我们的道路、桥梁和隧道,还有机场,都过时了。如果说我代表着某种否定,那就是对长期以来美国政治状况的否定。




  Lesley Stahl: You know, you surprised everyone by winning the primaries, beating 17 other Republicans or 16, whatever-- people are really surprised that you won this election. Are people going to be surprised about how you conduct yourself as president?

  主持人: 你在初选中获胜,让所有人感到意外,你战胜了十六七位共和党竞选人,你最终赢得选举,大家都很惊讶。你担任总统后的表现,是否还会让人们惊讶?

  Donald Trump: You know, I’ll conduct myself-- in a very good manner, but depends on what the situation is, sometimes you have to be rougher. When I look at-- when I look at the world and you look at how various places are taking advantage of our country, and I say it, and I say it very proudly, it’s going to be America first. It’s not going to be what we’re doing—we, we’ve lost-- we’re losing this country. We’re losing this country. That’s why I won the election. And by the way, won it easily, I mean I won easily.

  特朗普: 我会好好表现的,但要视情况而定,有时候你得更强硬些。每当我看到世界上,许多国家占我们的便宜,我就会骄傲地说,我们要把美国摆到第一位。我们现在的做法是不行的,我们正在失去这个国家,国将不国,这是我取得胜利的原因,轻易取胜的原因。我赢得很轻松,这很能说明问题。

  Lesley Stahl: Are you going to sometimes have that same rhetoric that you had on the stump? Or are you going to reign it in?

  主持人: 你未来会延续竞选演说时那种言辞吗?还是会有所克制?

  Donald Trump: Well, sometimes you need a certain rhetoric to get people motivated. I don’t want to be just a little nice monotone character and in many cases I will be.

  特朗普: 有时候你得用点话术,才能把人动员起来。我不想成为千篇一律的机器人,但今后恐怕有很多那样的场合。

  Lesley Stahl: So let’s go through very quickly some of the promises you made and tell us if you’re going to do what you said or you’re going to change it in any way. Are you really going to build a wall?

  主持人: 我们快速回顾一下你许下的承诺,然后你告诉我们,你会信守诺言,还是会做出些改变。你真的会修一堵墙吗?

  Donald Trump: Yes.

  特朗普: 是的。

  Lesley Stahl: They’re talking about a fence in the Republican Congress, would you accept a fence?

  主持人: 共和党在大会上讨论修栅栏。你接受栅栏的建议吗?

  Donald Trump: For certain areas I would, but certain areas, a wall is more appropriate. I’m very good at this, it’s called construction.

  特朗普: 在某些地区,我接受;但某些地区还是修墙更合适,毕竟建筑是我的长项。

  Lesley Stahl: So part wall, part fence?

  主持人: 所以,一部分高墙,一部分栅栏咯?

  Donald Trump: Yeah, it could be – it could be some fencing.

  特朗普: 可能吧,可能有的地方会修栅栏。

  Lesley Stahl: What about the pledge to deport millions and millions of undocumented immigrants?

  主持人: 那么你承诺的遣返数百万无证移民呢?

  Donald Trump: What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, we have a lot of these people, probably two million, it could be even three million, we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate. But we’re getting them out of our country, they’re here illegally. After the border is secured and after everything gets normalized, we’re going to make a determination on the people that you’re talking about who are terrific people, they’re terrific people but we are gonna make a determination at that-- But before we make that determination-- Lesley, it’s very important, we want to secure our border.

  特朗普: 我们要找出罪犯和有前科的人,帮会成员、贩毒者,这样的人很多,大概有两三百万。我们要是不把他们赶出去,就得把他们关起来。但他们是非法移民,所以我们得把他们赶出去。当边境稳固,所有情况都恢复正常之后,我们再来决定该怎么处理无证移民。我们是好人,他们也是好人,但我们要决定如何处理,在那之前更重要的是保护边境安全。

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